First, some important information - please read before placing your first order:
This order form is only for Friday deliveries in Lakeshore and Lake Vista. We are unable to make deliveries elsewhere at this time.
You may place an order anytime, but your delivery will always be on the subsequent Friday. Therefore, if you place an order ON a Friday, it will not be delivered until the following Friday.
Friday deliveries will occur between 4-6 PM. Someone over 21 must be present to receive the delivery within that time frame. (Although, once we've met, it may be possible to make special arrangements for future deliveries when you're not home.)
After you submit this form, be on the lookout for an email from us with an itemized invoice. (We will send it asap, but depending on when you place your order, your invoice could arrive within hours, or within a day or two.)
When you've reviewed your invoice, if there is anything you'd like to change, please contact us by following the instructions in the invoice. We're happy to make changes, if needed. Your order will not be delivered until the invoice is paid.
This order form is designed to give us an idea what you want, so that we can make selections for you. If you'd like to request a specific product, we encourage you to submit a Product Request on our web site.
Please provide accurate contact information. We will use it to contact you if we have questions about your order or delivery instructions. When you submit this form, you will also be automatically signed up for our email newsletters, though you can always unsubscribe, if you choose to.
Thanks! I hope you enjoy exploring and discovering new & amazing wines. Now let's get started...